It’s been three days of rain, cold, and June Gloom as I write my tips for this week. And there is more in the forecast.
I was joking with the receptionist at my dental office (as we chatted about the weather) that I am a full-sun plant, and this gloom was really getting to me. I spent most of the weekend feeling very low energy and coach-potato-ing.
I remember the days when I couldn’t understand why my teen sons would hang blankets over the bedroom windows, and keep their environments so dark. I guess that I should have realized that I was raising full shade plants. We need to be careful with full shade teens though, as this can also be a sign of depression. And then, I think that there are just people who like their environments cave-like.
I’ve used this plant analogy with kids enrolled in my social groups as well. There are some kids who come here and never demonstrate the challenges that their parent is reporting. It can be frustrating for parents to know that I haven’t witnessed what they explain are the issues, but that’s okay. I look at it as kids who are plants that need direct sunlight (coaching) and some do better with indirect sunlight (absorbing the coaching that I am giving other kids). Either way, plants will take in what they need, as will kids.
Think about all the different varieties and needs of the plant world. It isn’t too far of a stretch to apply it to us humans, including our small humans. When we are given what we require, and planted where we do best, we are sure to bloom.

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