Donna Shea, founder of the Peter Pan Center is a Social Educator holding a degree in Behavioral Science from Lesley University in Cambridge, MA. Since opening the Peter Pan Center in 2002, she has worked to address the needs of children who are struggling with behavior and social challenges. Donna brings 36 years of life experience to her work as a parent of two sons with ADHD, anxiety, and sensory challenges and is now in private practice and facilitating programs in Boxborough, MA.
Donna is also a consultant to schools, parent groups, and human service agencies. She is a seasoned public speaker and offers parent workshops and professional development programs both in-person and virtually. She has a certification in bullying prevention through the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center. Donna also holds certifications in Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Coaching, and Pathological Demand Avoidance.
Donna is the co-author of the How to Make & Keep Friends series of social-emotional books and workbooks. Read her interview with the Boston Voyager and watch the story on Channel 5.
To contact Donna directly, call or text 978/413-1965 or email dshea.peterpancenter@gmail.com.
Staff members Mr. Brendan and Mr. Pierce with me at summer camp!.